pin it!I’m holding a camera in over half of the pics of me on this trip. I guess taking decent photos is one of my main objectives when I travel these days.
pin it!I spent a ton of time doing this: squinting to see the street signs, trying to sound out the 7 syllable names, and poking my pen around the map trying to figure out where we are and where we’re going.
pin it!The weather was spectacular for the entirety of the trip. 65 degrees, clear skies, gentle breeze.
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This guy is loving the weather too.
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And this guy.
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And especially this guy.
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This girl is obsessed with chocolate and Nutella.
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We went to a bar/restaurant/performance space called White Trash Fast Food and had burgers the size of our head.
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Beers the size of heads.
pin it!Berlin is the land of awesome seating. They will literally turn anything into a chair. Any time there is a small plot of land, someone thinks to themselves “wouldn’t it be nice to have a chair or bench here?” and they put one there. It’s like there’s an ongoing competition to see who can come up with the most innovative chair and every chair is more beautiful than the last.
pin it!These were ROCKING chairs mounted onto a concrete bench. Am I the only one who is super excited by this?!
pin it!I really wanted to go to this, but it was closed. So many things that we didn’t have time to see. A second trip is in order.
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I look like I’m packin’ heat.
pin it!I really love the way most Berliners dress. Everyone wears really practical, tailored, comfortable, good looking clothes. I probably saw at least 200 people wearing great jackets and made it a mission to find one for myself. This is my and Robin’s German jacket debut.
Beautiful photos, Jen-ster!