Apr 23

Berlin Bike Gang

One of the first things we did was rent bikes and it turned out to be the perfect way to cover such a big city in 4.5 days. This trip reminded me of how much i enjoy biking. Definitely need more of that in my life.

pin it!

pin it!Berlin is the flattest freakin’ city that I’ve ever been in. There are wide bike lanes everywhere, and pedestrians will actually get out of the way if you ring your little bike bell.

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pin it!Robin got a flat tire but fortunately, we found a little bike shop run by a nice fellow, Ali, and his baby faced assistant, Serkan.

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pin it!This guy wishes he was part of our bike gang. Not cool enough, sorry dude.

Posted by Jen at 12:16 am

1 Comment:

  1. Nataly says:

    i dont know what it is but i think a guy like that looks hot on a bike..i would’ve agreed on a ride. lol

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